
I love to build but I wouldn’t say I’m very good at it. I am also not very good at building a roof on my Minecraft houses so I like to build underground so I don’t have to deal with a roof. I always try to go big when it comes to a build but I just don’t like spending hours on a Minecraft house. The one house I spent a few days making just looks like I spent 4 hours on it. I always use the same blocks too, which makes the builds just boring. I like to try to terraform, which is actually pretty fun. I also tend to make a creative world every once in a while, but never use it often enough for it to mean anything.

The New Wild Update

I’m really excited for this update! The fact that they are adding to swamps just makes me really excited! I cant wait to see the new frogs and the new mob, which I think is the alley. I don’t know much about the update and I’m still excited!

Lately, they have been putting out updates like crazy! The nether update in 2020, The cave update part 1 and 2 in 2021, now the wild update! Just, so crazy!

Lets Talk About Cave Sounds…

Imagine just mining for… let’s say coal, and you hear the terrifying cave sounds Minecraft has. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look it up real quick. Why did Mojang create such a terrifying sound for a mostly calming game? It’s kinda funny though.

Imma need some more ideas on what to write about… what do you want me to write about?

My least favorite mob

I despise silverfish. They are maybe half a block tall and are very hard to hit. they are also really fast and if you break an infested block, the blocks around it that contain silverfish start to break releasing even more silverfish. You wanna know what’s even more irritating? When you finally get all diamond and create a nether portal, then you forget to block off the hole you made to use the obsidian over the lava and you fall in and end up dying when you have 1 bucket of water in your inventory bar and 5 water bucket in your hidden inventory and die before you can save yourself. This probably seems very specific, please don’t ask… I almost rage quit Minecraft.

The Enderman!

A tall creature that can teleport. An Enderman will take damage if it touches water. Sometimes drops ender pearls when killed. Will attack if you look it in the eyes. If you put a pumpkin (a carved pumpkin of course) the enderman won’t attack when you look at it. The Enderman lives in the end, but can be found in the overworld and the Nether. The enderman has bright purple eyes. This mob happens to be my favorite 🙂

What is Minecraft? Glad You Asked!

Minecraft, if you didn’t know, is a sandbox game where you can build whatever you want with different blocks. There are 4 different game modes.

Survival: Here you have to find resources, fight mobs, and survive. You can play with friends and make a huge world.

Creative: You don’t have to fight mobs here, you get to build freely wherever and whenever you please without having to worry about not having enough resources.

Adventure: You can’t break or place items. World creators who have a story for their builds may use this mode so that you can only break or place certain items in a certain spot.

Hardcore: You are in a survival world, but there is a catch… if you did you can’t respawn to work on your world. Once you die, you become a spectator. That means you cant break blocks, place blocks, and go through floors. You are basically a ghost.

The creator